Discover Elderberry and the Many Health Benefits it Offers
What is Black Elderberry? Did you know that the elderberry is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants worldwide? The term “elderberry” is used to refer to several different varieties of the Sambucus tree –a flowering plant belonging to the Adoxaceae family – including lemony-lace elderberry, black beauty elderberry, and black tower elderberry. However, Sambucus nigra (or European elderberry – black elderberry), is by far the most common and the one used in dietary supplements. Sambucus nigra has a long and impressive history of medicinal use that is said to date back to Hippocrates, the ancient Greek known as the “Father of Medicine”, who described the plant as his ‘medicine chest” because of the wide range of conditions it could be used to treat. What Makes Elderberries so Special? Not only does the black elderberry pack quite a nutritional wallop, but it also contains a unique group of powerful bioactive compounds including quercetin, kaempferol, rutin, phenolic aci...