Discover Elderberry and the Many Health Benefits it Offers

What is Black Elderberry?

Did you know that the elderberry is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants worldwide?

The term “elderberry” is used to refer to several different varieties of the Sambucus tree –a flowering plant belonging to the Adoxaceae family – including lemony-lace elderberry, black beauty elderberry, and black tower elderberry. However, Sambucus nigra (or European elderberry – black elderberry), is by far the most common and the one used in dietary supplements.

Sambucus nigra has a long and impressive history of medicinal use that is said to date back to Hippocrates, the ancient Greek known as the “Father of Medicine”, who described the plant as his ‘medicine chest” because of the wide range of conditions it could be used to treat.

What Makes Elderberries so Special?

Not only does the black elderberry pack quite a nutritional wallop, but it also contains a unique group of powerful bioactive compounds including quercetin, kaempferol, rutin, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. These impart the elderberry with potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral antidepressant, antitumor, and hypoglycemic properties, as well as the ability to reduce body fat and normalize lipid profiles. The above are just some of the reasons why elderberries have a well-earned reputation as powerful Superfruits.

What are the Benefits of Black Elderberry Supplements?

So, what exactly is elderberry good for, you may wonder? Well, arguably, the bulk of the elderberry’s health benefits can be attributed to its antioxidant and immune-boosting properties, which is why today, it is used extensively to help prevent cell damage, as well as to fight all sorts of infections such as the cold and flu, and myriad other viruses. Below are some of the other common uses for elderberry supplements:

·       Allergy Symptoms

·       Chronic Pain Conditions & Nerve Pain

·       Constipation

·       Fighting Harmful Bacteria

·       Inflammation

·       Sinus Problems

·       Respiratory Illnesses


Elderberry Vitamin Supplements – Types, Formats, Advantages, & Drawbacks

If you want to reap the multiple benefits that elderberry supplements provide, you’ll be happy to learn that it is available in a wide variety of different formats such as tea, capsules, effervescent tablets, syrup (both in regular strength, and children’s blends), chewables, as well as gummies.  You can purchase elderberry in isolated form, or combination formulas, along with other immune-boosting nutrients and herbs such as vitamin C, vitamin D3, zinc, echinacea, and others.

Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is probably one of the oldest and most widely used forms of elderberry –

often sold under the brand name Sambucol Black Elderberry, or Suro Elderberry Syrup – both of which are especially well-suited to those who have a hard time swallowing pills, such as children or the elderly, as well as ideal for those suffering from pill fatigue (which, incidentally, accounts for a large percentage of consumers). Elderberry syrup should be taken at the first sign of cold and flu symptoms to provide relief from nasal and sinus congestion, runny nose, sneezing, chills, and fever.  

The one thing to keep in mind when opting for a syrup (or any other flavored form of supplement), is the list of excipients – including colors, flavors, and sweeteners – that are typically required to mask the naturally tart, tangy, and bitter taste of black elderberry. Make sure to read labels carefully, and select an elderberry syrup that features natural flavors and sweeteners whenever possible.

Elderberry Tea

Another very popular way to consume black elderberry is in the form of tea. So, what is elderberry tea good for? Well, the tea form offers pretty much the same health benefits as other supplement forms, however, it does not provide the same concentration of elderberry as do syrup, capsules, and others. As such, elderberry tea is ideally used as a daily tonic to help maintain antioxidant defenses and protect the body against the cold and flu, and various other viruses and infections. In contrast, the more concentrated syrups, capsules, tablets, gummies, and others, are most appropriately used for acute care, during the cold and flu season, in those experiencing repeat repeated cold and flu and other infections, or when your immune system is particularly run down.   

Final Thoughts of Elderberry

You can easily find elderberry supplements in Canada, be it in syrup, tea, gummies, or other forms, in most health food stores as well as through your favorite online vitamin superstore

Elderberry supplements are associated with few side effects when used in recommended doses, for short periods of time (usually up to five days). Allergic reactions can occasionally occur, however, in which case, discontinue use and consult your health care practitioner.

Use caution when taking for an extended period if you are on heart medication, lithium, or diuretics, as elderberry cab alter the levels of these medications. Short-term use, however, has not been found to affect medication levels.

About National Nutrition

National Nutrition is Canadian natural health retailer. They offer a diverse range of supplements, vitamins, health foods, natural beauty products and essential oils. We carry over 400 top brands and our staff is extremely knowledgeable. They have a unique, user-friendly website to enhance the customers experience with our very own points system! National Nutrition is an award winning retailer, voted as the best health food store in Canada by the experts at the Canadian Health Food Association and believe in the power of helping people naturally. Their youtube channel and website are packed with articles and videos with up-to-date information to help keep you informed; after all, knowledge is health.


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